Thursday, December 29, 2005

Se constrangimento matasse...

My dear SP...

Estou te devendo meu endereço desde o dia 12...
Agora que consegui acessar meus e-mails... (desleixo puro!!!)
Percebi que o e-mail que me mandaste foi limpo da minha caixa postal... :O

Se ainda estiver com vontade de mandar aquele pacotinho, podes fazer duas coisas: manda pro endereço que já tens... (pode ser Sedex) ou me manda um e-mail, de novo, para que eu possa te responder...

Thanks .... :'$

P.S.: Espero que seu Natal tenha sido maravilhoso.
E que o Ano Novo seja ótimo, e que sua próxima SP seja mais atenciosa do que eu.... *Ü*

Faz um tempinho....

Pois é, faz um bom tempo que não posto por aqui.
Como toda arteira (porque ainda não cheguei ao nível "artesã"), fico no dilema de Tostines: "Se eu blogo, não tricoto. Se eu tricoto, não blogo."

Andei fazendo umas experiências:

É muuuito gostoso tingir!!!! Pena que a gama de cores é pequena....

E andei experimentando umas novas técnicas:

Não tenho fotos, mas transformar a meada (enoooorme) em novelo, foi uma tarefa muuuuito difícil, acho que vou precisar de algo assim:

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Olha só: Que lindo !!!

Minha SP é demais!!!
O maridão pegou a encomenda na 6ª feira, mas eu queria abrir com carinho e poder documentar o momento, então aí vai:

Olha só o que ela me mandou:

Os marcadores de pontos são lindos!!! Eu fiquei morrendo de vontade de fazer uns também...

Ainda estou babando no meu livrinho!!
E o carinho que você me passou!! Tudo com dedicatória... :')
O pacote verdinho, com Garfields pra todos os lados!!

Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! My SP!!

P.S.: Só não te mandei o endereço de casa, porque estava de mudança. Assim que conseguir acessar (ainda... sad...) meu e-mail eu te mando.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Eu me ODEIO!!!!!

Sorry !!!!!

Mil, mil, milhões de desculpas...
Eu estou com PC problems, e faz uns dez dias que não consigo ler meus e-mails...
Shame on me... Nem pra ir numa lan-house...
Estou me sentido muuuito envergonhada ='(
por favor, não se preocupe, o pacote será resgatado antes do dia 09.
Não sei porque isso aconteceu, mas deveriam ter entregue um aviso para retirar o pacote na agência - o que não aconteceu...
Mas adorei você ser daqui do nosso Brasil, quem sabe depois dessa confusão a gente se encontra pra tricotar um pouco ?
Não chateie porque não chegou o pacote no endereço, depois eu pergunto porque não mandaram o aviso, tá?
Fiquei muito mal quando vi seus posts...
Você fez e enviou meu pacotinho com tanto carinho e eu nem aí...
Nem me dignei a ler meus e-mails...
Meu coração tá apertadinho, apertadinho...

Mil desculpas novamente...
Bejos, Noemy.

pra você:

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Oh, my! It's already October!!!!

My SP wrote me and I just realized that it's alredy October and I haven't update my blog...

This picture was teaken in August !!!
Me and hubby went with some friends from work to Gramado - doesn't it looks like europe?
I have lots of projects in my mind - not on my needles ... =(
But they'll get there !!
These days I'm fighting with DH for his digital camera, because I have loads of pictures taken In it, and he don't let me download them to my PC...
I bought some variegated blue cotton to make a spring shawl for me, but haven't decide on the pattern yet. =)
And I saw a very beautiful sweater, with lots of cables - I love cables - and bought some yarn too, but have to adapt for the yarn gauge I bought, so, it will tame some more time... It's the Interlocking Cables, from Interwave Press.
And I dyed some wool and some raw cotton, and I'm trying modular knitting...
Hope to be posting some pictures very, very soon!!!
Like knitters use to say "So many things to knit, so little time..."

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I will get spoiled !!!


As an apologize for being so late answering my pal - I'm posting this for YOU!

My Pal wrote me lots this weekend and I've been out 2 days...

Thanks to writing me, thanks for your patience...

I'll get spoiled !!!! Yu Huuuu!!!!

Kisses and kisses!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

I received my Secret Pal !!!

I loved to receive my Pal - just visited the blog - much more better than mine...

As I'm also a new blogger, and very addicted to knitting, I forget to stop by and post on my blog - always reading everybody else's blogs - and forever forgetting mine.

Very anxious to hear new from the Pal who got me!

Welcome to my blog!

And I'm finishing my FMB - soon more pictures to post!

SP6 Questionnaire

1. Are you a yarn snob (do you prefer higher quality and/or natural fibers)? Do you avoid Red Heart and Lion Brand? Or is it all the same to you?
No, really would love to put my hands on a Noro or Cascade, but in Brasil we don’t have many choices, only two or three manufacturers. Oh God! I just remembered – would love a sock yarn!

2. Do you spin? Crochet?

I do crochet, but I’d love to learn to spin – really looking forward to have a drop spindle with some fibers and an instruction booklet.

3. Do you have any allergies? (smoke, pets, fibers, perfume, etc.)
Yes, to smoke, some perfumes and beauty products.

4. How long have you been knitting?
I’ve been knitting since a little girl – now I’m 31 – my birthday is November 4th!!!
But I got addicted this year, with more time to do things for myself and no yarn-eaters cats… hehehe

5. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list?
Yes, I have an Amazon wish list and another in a Brazilian bookstore: Livraria Cultura

6. What's your favorite scent? (for candles, bath products etc.)
More like wood and greens, nothing sweet, please.

7. Do you have a sweet tooth?
Not really.

8. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do?
I do knitting and crocheting and cross-stitching, and I also love patchwork… but I love cooking, mostly baking – breads, pizza and pies.

9. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD)
I like almost all kinds of music, more popular rock & roll, The Corrs, Michael Bublè and Brazilian popular music.

10. What's your favorite color? Or--do you have a color family/season/palette you prefer? Any colors you just can't stand?
My favorite color is green, like peaches and oranges too. The only color I really don’t like is bright solid pink. But if it’s a variegated green and light pink, I might like it.

11. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets?
I’m married with a 34 yo guy, no children, and we have two Siamese like cats – because they are not pure ones. I am absolutely crazy about cats.

12. What are your life dreams? (really stretching it here, I know)
The really big dream is to make possible that I could live from my hobbies – knitting, patchwork, crocheting – maybe with a yarn shop, and teaching crafts classes.

13. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with?
If it works with the pattern, it’s good for me.

14. What fibers do you absolutely *not* like?
The most expensive ones that I can’t buy…

15. What is/are your current knitting obsession/s?
Now I’m addicted with felted bags.

16. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit?
If I have yarn, I’ll knit.

17. What are you knitting right now?
I’m knitting a French Market Bag, a baby hat (lots of friends having babies…)

18. What do you think about ponchos?
I love ponchos!

19. Do you prefer straight or circular needles?
Circulars !!!

20. Bamboo, aluminum, plastic?
Bamboo – but I have more plastic and aluminum – my bamboo ones are imported, yuck – expensive!!! But I’ll have a Kit Denise one day.

21. Are you a sock knitter?
YES!! Just learned, and it’s really addictive.

22. How did you learn to knit?
My mother taught me.

23. How old is your oldest UFO?
I started a baby blanket about 15 years ago, and it was at my mom’s house. I just don’t know if it still exists. After this, I have a opened jacket, with cotton yarn, that is about 5 months old.

24. What is your favorite animated character or a favorite animal/bird?
My favorite character is Garfield, and my favorite animal is cat!

25. What is your favorite holiday?
New Year.

26. Is there anything that you collect?
Metal boxes (tea, candy, perfumes), thimbles, books and hobbies.

27. What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have?
Don’t have any right now.

28. Any books out there you are dying to get your hands on?
Hands on Spinning by Lee Raven – I know, it’s not a knitting book…

29. Any patterns you have been coveting, but haven't bought for one reason or another??

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Ha! I felted it!

This is my Kitty Bed felted!!! This pattern I got from Wendy's. (Thanks! =)
I didn't think it was going to form a bowl like this - because it looked more like -- nothing..
It took me 2 months to create enough courage to felt it, fear to ruin it..
But after some talk at a group I found with some pals at Mon Tricot, and some encouragement from Gabriela (hey!) I did it!

This picture is when I put it to dry, and also we can see the bottom!
I don't know why, but didn't felt like the sides...
For Brazilian pals - the wool is Paratapet.
My little baby already wanted to use it!!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

To be honest ...

OK! I'm really with this blog just to able to participate of the SP6...
That's not much about knitting I can post right now, and I'm really sad about it...
I'm finding very nice groups - that I'm adding by the side tabs - and I posted first today!

Hello. I'm just arriving to this group.
I learned how to knit when I was about 7 or less, I really can't remember.
Hasn't knitted since my teen times, cause of school and work. Now I'm having more time for myself and started knitting again.
I live in Brazil, Porto Alegre, and here we don't have many options of yarns or patterns, even new techniques I just foud in the net !!!
I've just finished a sock (one foot, indeed) working with 2 circs! That was something awesome to me. I only knew circs to finish neck sweaters, so for my surprise has much more utility than that! Now I really want to make a sweater on the round..
So many things I want to do, and so little time...
I've done a Kitty Bed, with wool yarn (that is something we have only one brand here..) and I'm so afraid to felt it.. But I'll do it, hope soon..
I don't remember also how I found artyarns site, I've been searching the net so much, that I already lost track of where I've been...
Loved to meet you all.Thanks for your tips and patterns, and I hope soon I'll be posting patterns and tips!!!
Kissees, Noemy.

And of course, after posting I noticed I forgot lots of good information I should have posted, including this blog...

Thursday, August 11, 2005

My first knitted Sock !

It was a long time ago, when I started knitting. Then I stopped because I had a little cat, and he used to eat my yarn...
He is still with me, but I found another toys for him, while I'm knitting.
Now, that I'm frequently visiting the Net, I discovered so many new techniques that I don't know where to start again!!!!
So I decided to buy a set of circular needles, and choose a sock I found at Knitty, where explains how to make 2 socks on 2 circs.
To be sure I would be able to finish at least one foot, I only casted on one sock.
I was about to give up, when was time to make the heel and gusset...
So I read over and over and over the pattern, and read over and over several other instructions on how to make a sock, and I just figured it out !!!!
I just finished the gusset!!
As soon as I finish my sock - one foot - of course, I'll post a picture. It's really not a master piece, neither a perfection, but I'm sure I can make it to the end.

PS.: I'm just looking forward to make a fekted bag...

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Getting Started

Here I am, choosing one more thing to mess up with...

I'm always finding something different to do. Hope it doesn't end like the other UFO's I have.

My top 2 addictions in life are Cats and Yarns!!!

Of course is hard to keep my cats away from my yarn and needles, but I try.

I'll be posting some of my recent knitting UFO's and FO's, hehehe ...

As my first try on blogging, I'm not used to write, just to read ... (shame on me), but I promise I'll get used to!!

This is my little baby, Nina, she will be showing up a lot around here.
